This is not a diet: the principles of nutrition, menu and the appropriate recommendations of experts

Adequate nutrition principles

Useful nutrition is called the healthiest way of losing weight. The essence of adequate nutrition, a menu for a week, a list of products allowed for each day, dietary advice.

Adequate nutrition

The appropriate nutritional system implies a special organization of food intake in all the necessary vitamins and substances for the body.

Such power schemes were developed by nutritions that calculated how much a person needs to consume fats, proteins and carbohydrates per day. To do this, the individual calculation formula of Harris-Benedict's calories (for women: 655 + (9. 6 x weight in kg) + (1. 8 x height in cm)-(4. 7 x age in years);

Proper nutrition is not a diet, since this is not hungry, but a component of a healthy lifestyle. To improve the well of this system, it must adhere to a long time, many follow their principles.

"Useful nutrition is not a diet, since it has no contraindications.

What is the benefit?

Proper nutrition maintains health and helps normalize weight, is the prevention of ailments such as diabetes, heart disease, etc.

Most people think of the transition to PP, when health problems become tangible: excess weight, loss of strength, poor health. However, healthy diet is mainly aimed at preventing disease.

Where to start

It is necessary to change to adequate nutrition not abruptly, but gradually. To begin with, a person who wants to lead a healthy lifestyle can see which products are contained in their daily diet, to analyze each meal in search of the presence of useful substances and vitamins for the body. It is easier to paint your menu in a notebook that indicates breakfast time, lunch and dinner, the amount of snacks and the volume of food. After that, it will be clear what products should be added to the diet and which to eliminate.

The second stage of the transition will be the habit of breakfast. Many people do not give importance to breakfast, but it is the most important food, since it gives energy throughout the day and promotes a complete awakening.

It is not necessary to immediately exclude all the harmful products of the diet, it is enough to start by little: for example, in the first two weeks to reject only white bread and chocolate.

"For people who only change adequate nutrition, I do not recommend starting immediateRecommended calorie content of the diet.

Vegetables are useful for weight loss

Basic principles

To adhere to adequate nutrition, you must know its basic principles:

  1. Regular meals (every three or four hours). The stomach will better absorb food if you enter the body in clear periods of time. As soon as a hunger person or passes lunch or dinner, the stomach perceives any food as the last and possesses as many reserves as possible in case of another starvation.
  2. Due to the fact that the rhythm of each life is individual, it must take into account its daily routine when compiling a daily diet. For example, it is more difficult for an office worker to distribute all meals, since he needs to adjust dinner time for a common break.
  3. Do not drink much water during the food. The liquid increases the volume of the stomach, due to which food is absorbed worse.
  4. Reduce the use of low fat products. Animal origin is vital for health, the work of the nervous and hormonal system depends on them.
  5. There are small portions and only at a time when the body really requires food. It is necessary to focus on physical hunger, and not on emotional, because food must first give energy and not solve psychological problems.
  6. Eat as many natural products, fruits and vegetables as possible.

"Another important rule for the transition to useful meals is to finish food meals in front of the TV or read. No matter how much the person is occupied, you must take a short break for 10-15 minutes. This approach will allow you not to eat excessively"Said Julia Pigareva, head of the Hospital Clinical Dietetics Department that is named V. V.

Diet compilation

When compiling a diet, the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates must be taken into account. At the same time, there is no universal menu: each person constitutes independently a comfortable diet for useful foods. For example, with an active lifestyle, you can add more protein products, sedentary, to reduce the amount of poorly absorbed carbohydrates and fats (most of the time animal origin).

Useful weight loss diet

One of the adequate nutrition principles is compliance with the drinking regime, so it is important when compiling a daily menu to determine the volume of liquid consumed. To do this, multiply your own weight in 35 kilograms (for men) or 31 (for women) and get a number in milliliters. The calculation for children aged 12 is also carried out, a pediatrician will help calculate the standard for a younger age.

"Do not forget the balance of the diet in the qualitative and quantitative composition. Modern nutritional recommendations distinguish 5 food groups that should be present in the human diet daily: fiber, carbohydrates/complex grains, proteins, fats, dairy products or theirAlternatives of vegetable raw materials.

Recommended products

To adhere to adequate nutrition, you must know which products are considered useful and which of them can be included in your diet:

  1. Vegetables (cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, pepper, beets, carrots, etc. ) in cheese, baked, boiled shape and low -calorie fruits (apples, orange, tangerines and others)
  2. All types of edible fungi
  3. Leaf salad, any vegetables, spinach, accelerates
  4. Tea and sugarless coffee and additives
  5. Drink non -carbonated water
  6. Meat (lamb, turkey, veal, beef)
  7. Fish (trout, herring, cod, etc. )
  8. Eggs and agrio products (preferably homemade and not solid)
  9. Whole grain cereals in small portions, in addition to semolina, fast porridge and white rice
  10. Nuts (one or two struggled per day)
useful nuts to lose weight

"Protein products should be added to the diet: eggs, meat, poultry as construction materials for our cells, such as the main component of enzymes, the main transporter of useful substances in the cage and, of course, as a sourceIron. Fiber and antioxidant sources, "complement a dietitian, an integrative endocrinologist.

That is impossible

Despite the fact that appropriate foods do not have clear prohibitions, there is a list of products that should not be included in the diet:

  1. Vegetable oil (only two tablespoons per day are allowed)
  2. Mayonnaise
  3. Smoked meats, sausages, sausages and sausages
  4. Canned foods of meat and fish
  5. Refined sugar
  6. High qualification fruits and berries, such as banana, grapes, dates, watermelon, melon
  7. Store jams and jams
  8. Sweet and confectione (sweets, chocolate, cakes, cakes, etc. )
  9. Bakery products
  10. Fast food and semi -final products
  11. Carbonated and alcoholic sweet drinks, only one glass (250 ml) is allowed red dry wine per day

"For example, sugar and alcohol reduce the sensitivity of tissues to insulin action. In addition to the negative effect on acne -shaped appearance, hair loss and excess weight, high insulin resistance is dangerousFor health.

Caloric content of food

The entire appropriate nutrition system is based on the calculation of calories, so it is very important to calculate the high individual speed for the day for all products included in the diet. The final result will depend on the objectives of the transition to a useful nutrition, as well as on the age and gender of the person (for women, the optimal number of calories is approximately 2000, for men, around 2500 kcal).

High rating products, as a rule, are excluded from the menu, leaving the most useful space for the body.

Vegetable soup when losing weight

How to make a menu for a week

When compiling a menu for a week, it is important not only to calculate the high speed necessary for the day, but also to observe the proportion of nutrients in each meal (proteins must be 25-35 percent of the total; fat -25 -25 -25-35 percent;

According to a consultant for the correction of weight and psychology of food behavior, fitness expert Sergey Gerasimov, the most global food of food is lunch, since our body should saturate as much as possible for the complete work during the second halfof the day and avoiding eating in excess at night.

The second largest must be breakfast that will encourage the body after sleep and load primary energy during the first half of the day. Less voluminous: saturated fiber dinner, vitamins and proteins, filling the body with useful substances and construction material for recovery. To avoid a strong feeling of hunger and, as a result, in excess of the main meals, you must also include two small snacks in the menu.

Sample options can be seen as follows:

Menu for women

Day of the week






Oatmeal pumps, sugarless tea

Guisada chicken breast with boiled saracen wheat

A glass of yogurt without additives

Two -egg milk tortilla with fresh vegetables


Cheese cakes with a sour cream spoon, sugarless coffee

Baked fish with vegetables and vegetable salad

Fruit cut, drink yogurt without additives

Boiled egg and a fruit to choose


Fruit salad with yogurt dressing, kefir glass

Steamed cauliflower, boiled meat

Two apples

Chicken and vegetable breast salad


Murils without sugar, a cup of tea

Vegetable soup, stewed chicken breast

Fruit cuts, a vessel of fermentation

Green peppers, stewed with meat carrots


Omlet of two eggs and milk with vegetables and herbs

Guisado cabbage broccoli, tomato, boiled meat

Boiled egg, a grapefruit or orange

Clock with a tablespoon of natural honey


Mijo gachas on diluted milk, sugarless coffee

Saracen wheat soup, cooked fish chops

Tost with tomato and cottage cheese

boiled chicken fillet with vegetables, tea


Oatmeal with pieces of fresh fruit, tea cup

Gulyash with a boiled potato garnish

Tost with tomato and cottage cheese

boiled chicken fillet with vegetables, tea

Menu for men

Day of the week






orange in milk, freshly squeezed orange juice

Guisado Chicken Breast, boiled Sarraceno Wheat

whole wheat bread, a yogurt glass without additives

Three eggs with vegetables and herbs on milk with three eggs


Home cottage cheese with sour cream and nuts, sugarless tea

Baked red fish, spaghetti

Kefira Glass, whole wheat bread

Boiled egg and an orange


Multiple porridge in milk with a mixture of nuts, sugarless coffee

Boiled meat and cabbage of broccoli for steam

Boiled egg

Guisado chicken breast, vegetable salad, sugarless tea


Free Fruit Clause Clause, Tea cup

Soup with red beans and meatballs, baked vegetables

A handful of dried fruits and a glass of fermented baked milk

Baked trout with tomatoes and brown rice


oatmeal in milk, sugarless coffee

Boiled meat, cabbage salad and stewed vegetables

Boiled egg and a grapefruit

Cheese cakes with sour cream, a cup of green tea


Becomon of cool with fresh fruits, a glass of kefir

Mushroom soup, stewed zucchini

Fruit salad with yogurt dressing

Castel with sour cream and nuts


Mijo gachas on milk with dry apricot and nuts, sugarless tea

boiled veal, stewed cabbage broccoli

An apple and a glass of yogurt without additives

Soured soups with sour cream, kefir glass

Menu for the child

Day of the week






Ausa in milk, a banana, cup of end

Lentil puree soup, steamed meat chops, boiling wheat

Fruit salad with yogurt and a glass of milk

Cabaña pudding with raisins


Cheese cakes, a handful of nuts, an apple, tea

Vegetable soup, white paste fish

Buddine of Sanny and an orange

Two -egg ujeta, a glass of kefir


Multiple gachas, sandwich with butter and cheese, cocoa glass

Pyeli puree soup, steamed meat chops, boiled sarracene wheat

rice rice, a fruit to choose

Guisado chicken breast, vegetable salad


Becoming packer with fresh berries, tea


A handful of dried fruits, a glass of fermented

White fish baked with tomatoes, brown rice


Multiple porridge in milk, oil sandwich, cocoa

Chicken broth, boiled veal with cabbage salad and colored vegetables

Fruit salad with yogurt dressing, glass of milk

OMLET of two eggs with vegetables and herbs, green tea


Clock with sour cream and homemade jam, an apple, tea

He knew from mushroom cream in milk, boiled chicken breast, stewed zucchini

rice with rice and a fruit to choose

Baked red fish, cucumber and tomato salad


Mijo gachas on milk with pumpkin, sandwich with butter and cheese, freshly squeezed orange juice

Kurin soup with noodles, potato puree

Fruit salad with yogurt, kefir glass

Sources with sour cream, green tea

Help the body in the transition to PP

To facilitate the body to change to a new type of nutrition, it can help you with the help of some psychological tricks:

  1. Establish a clear objective. For example, lose weight in five kilograms or increase the general level of health, or win body weight.
  2. Before going to the store, write a list of products. Therefore, it will be more difficult to take excess and harmful.
  3. Cook dishes to see attractive when serving. If the food is appetizing and tempting, the body will learn better.

You can also make a kitchen audit: eliminate products that need to be excluded from the diet. While they are in the kitchen, they are on a plate. The result of the kitchen analysis must be a list of those food products that a person plans to add to the daily menu.

The weight consultant advises to fulfill the balance between harmful and useful products. A strong exclusion of your favorite food inevitably leads to breakdowns and takes the body to a state of stress. To avoid this, one day a week you can distinguish "damage" and enjoy them, or exclude from their menu gradually, reducing a portion and eating them in the morning. However, it is worth remembering that the frequent deviation of the rules of the PP and the inclusion of products of the category in the menu can lead to a set of excess weight and a deterioration of health.

oats when losing weight

How to lose weight, eat healthy foods

Proper nutrition is not only a part of a healthy lifestyle, but also a way to combat excess weight.

If the main objective is to lose weight, then, first, you need to create the necessary calorie deficiency: for women around 1800 kcal per day, for men - 2200.

It is better to reduce the amount of rapid carbohydrates in the diet and add healthy proteins and vegetable fats there.

The daily menu should not include many sweet and dairy products, giving preference to fruits, berries and vegetables.

When working excessively, a combination of measures, such as a complete rest, physical aptitude, stress minimization, psychological work and, of course, PP, including the main element in weight correction. When formulating the process correctly, you will see the first results on the scale in a week.

How much can you drop

Useful nutrition does not guarantee the care of extra pounds in a short time, this is a long job in oneself. However, it is precisely a system of this type the most effective when weight is lost, since the nervous system is less affecting.

If you adhere to the appropriate power supply for the month, around 4-6 kg can fall. The exact numbers will always depend on the individual characteristics of a person (gender, age, initial weight, lifestyle).

Useful foods for weight loss

The opinion of the experts

Many experts and dietitian nutritionists consider that this energy system is the safest when weight is lost to the human body and the most effective to maintain the general state of health.

"I think there is not so much the concept of" adequate nutrition ", but only products that contain the maximum of nutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins and water) that saturate the body, " said a nutritionist, a nutritionist, a nutritionist, aFunctional nutrition expert. - Adhering to the PP, a person can afford almost everything. The main thing is to be able to navigate what is useful and what will become a "fictional" for the stomach. "

According to the dietitian, Anna Volobueva, changing to adequate nutrition, should be remembered that it is strictly individual and depends on her genetics, body state, food intolerance. In its proper nutrition, the body will become healthier, excess weight and swelling will leave, mood and performance will improve, and the duration of quality life will increase.